secular meditation
By Leo Maciel, MA
Mindfulness Educator
Multi-media Creator
To teach (and learn more), to provide, to promote & to gather information on mindfulness meditation.
To (hopefully) inspire & be inspired and to share well-being experiences non-judgmentally.
To mindfully connect with people around the world.
Leo Maciel is a multi-media creator, registered (HCPC) art psychotherapist, the author and teacher of a mindfulness training programme that integrates secular and traditional Buddhist psychology and wisdom, mindfulness, and the arts. A life and nature lover with a passion for sharing his knowledge and experience in the field of arts, mindfulness contemplation, and well-being.
As an inquisitive person, his subjects are varied and diversified. They seem to be prompted by is own perceptions/observations of the world, by his own personal development and varied interests as a person, and by whatever takes his fancy through his thoughts, emotions and feelings. He sees art "as a tool for free expression of the self and soul and believe it to be what makes us, human beings, alive and inclusive, irregardless of the conventions and norms which are, normally, imposed upon us".
He holds a Master in Art Psychotherapy by Goldsmiths College (London) and have been practising as an art therapist since he qualified in 2012. He has always been interested in "human behaviour and the dynamic between 'body, mind and soul', how we express our feelings and emotions in a more skilful way". He believes his work to be "an investigation on human emotional condition". He's highly involved with secular mindfulness meditation as a "way of life" and apply it within his work with clients. He's been studying, researching, & practicing mindfulness teachings grounded in scientifically proven and empirical investigations of secular, modern and traditional Buddhist practices over 10 or so years and has experienced improvements in emotional balance myself as a practitioner and educator in the field. He defines his work as a "blend of Western & Eastern psychology, secular & traditional Buddhist teachings, & the arts in their multi-faceted forms" for finding a place within that's loving, soothing, peaceful, & balanced".
The reasons I have decided to share my experience with mindfulness meditation are mainly:
But, what is mindfulness meditation anyway?
As a practice, Mindfulness is described as "a way of paying attention" that originated in Eastern meditation practices. Paying attention in a particular way: on purpose, in the present moment, non-judgmentally, to help us remain focused and alert; recognise and relate to our experiences with equanimity and serenity.
"It is the ongoing moment to moment awareness
that arises when observing the present non-judgmentally"
Jon Kabat-Zinn
I hope you'll find something that may be helpful to your personal development and spiritual journey and that we can together contribute to make this world a place where we all can smile and be happy & free.
Leo Maciel.
Leo Maciel, MA
Psychotherapist, Author, Multimedia Creator, Mind Trainer, Mindfulness & Meditation Teacher.