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Mindful30 Challenge!

What about taking part on this lovely mindful meditation programme that will run throughout September? "Commit to practicing once a day for the month of September to refresh your connection with what matters most in your life..."

Apart from the wonderful benefits that we believe that it may bring to you, you will also be helping to support the impact of mindfulness in classrooms across the country (USA)."

"With guidance from Mindful + dozens of leading mindfulness experts, our breakthrough 30-day meditation challenge is designed to boost your well-being this September: Experience the power of mindfulness by joining the Mindful30 Challenge!"

Rewire your brain with new habits

Build resilience in the face of stress

Start a daily mindfulness practice, or invigorate an established practice with new perspectives

Daily practices from leading mindfulness experts

Curated readings from Mindful

Video/audio mindfulness instruction

Expert Q&As

Exclusive Facebook Live content

Bonus: a 1-year subscription to Mindful magazine

Increase focus and attention

Improve your health and well-being


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  • To mindfully connect with mindfulness practitioners around the world​

  • To provide, to promote & to share mindfulness practice 

  • To inspire (and be inspired), to learn, to teach & to share well-being experiences non-judgmentally.

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