"I Will Love & Be Kind to My Imperfect Self."
We thought that these 3 practices extracted from "mindful.org" will be a good way to start the new year, and will set the stage for powerful and meaningful transformation.
Here’s hoping you all find moments to enjoy being mindful throughout 2019. Wishing you all a year with lots of good moments, loads of self-care, compassion, kindness, self-love and appreciation to what and who you are.
Warmest wishes.
"As the New Year approaches, it’s tempting to make resolutions that revolve around becoming the “perfect you.” Instead, we’d like to offer an alternative: Be kind to your imperfect self. Sometimes, the biggest change you can make is not to change at all—and instead, accept yourself for who you are right now. By giving yourself the gift of knowing that you are deserving of love and appreciation just as you are, you’re setting the stage for powerful and meaningful transformation. Here’s how you might start 2019 with self-compassion rather than self-judgment:
1. Make room for all of your emotions.
Too often, we put pressure on ourselves to hide how we really feel and put on a brave face. But pushing away uncomfortable emotions, like sadness or anger, only creates more problems for you down the road. Explore this four-step practice to embrace your emotions, so you can accept your experience as it happens.
2. Forgive yourself for your mistakes.
Maybe the past year wasn’t as spectacular as you hoped it would be—you might have messed up a job interview, snapped at a friend, or set unreasonable goals for yourself that you never met. Regardless of what you did or didn’t do, holding a grudge against yourself won’t make you feel any better or fix the situation. Explore these two mindful self-forgiveness practices to move past resentment and anger, so you can let your bitterness go.
3. Love your imperfect self.
It's easy to compare your life to others, and your inner critic is often all-too-eager to help. By learning to recognize self-doubt, you can break free from judgemental thoughts and treat yourself with self-compassion. Follow this guided meditation to appreciate yourself for who you really are, flaws and all."